Google reportedly halts Google Play System Update to temporarily fix Pixel storage bug issue

admin25 January 2024Last Update :
Google reportedly halts Google Play System Update to temporarily fix Pixel storage bug issue

Google reportedly halts Google Play System Update to temporarily fix Pixel storage bug issue،

Amid the ongoing issue of some Pixel devices running multiple profiles experiencing a storage bug while installing the latest Google Play system update, the company has decided to pause the rollout in order to avoid further damage.

Initially reported issues include internal storage not mounting, camera crashes, Files app not displaying files, and screenshots not saving. Some users had to resort to factory resets to resolve the issues. These are the same issues that affected Pixel devices with multiple user profiles last year.
As is usually the case, these bugs are usually discovered when affected users flock to sites like Reddit to share their experiences. This time was no different and it seems Google took note and acknowledged the problem.
An official Google account, named /u/PixelCommunityintervened on the most active thread documenting the issue and confirming that Google is aware of the issue and is actively investigating. Additionally, Android expert Mishaal Rahman says that according to a source, Google has completely halted the rollout of the January 2024 Google Play System Update, which is apparently to blame.

Given that this same issue occurred only three months ago, one has to wonder why these issues aren't addressed at the Q&A level. However, according to Rahman, this time Google has found the root cause and it could be related to the Dynamic Common Library Apex (DCLA). DCLA is a mechanism used by Mainline to reduce the overall size of software updates by placing shared C++ libraries in a separate module. In some cases, it appears that the DCLA Mainline module reverts to its factory version, causing compatibility issues with other DCLA compatible modules.

To temporarily resolve the issue, Google has reportedly briefly disabled the DCLA feature, so that this issue does not occur again. This will make some modules larger, but it should resolve the dependency issue and hopefully prevent users from being affected in other ways.