X introduces passkeys for iOS users in the US

admin24 January 2024Last Update :
X introduces passkeys for iOS users in the US

X introduces passkeys for iOS users in the US،

In 2024, passwords are still in the early stages of adoption, but they are gaining ground as a promising alternative to traditional passwords. Many major tech companies, such as Apple, Microsoft and Google, already allow passwordless logins and X (formerly Twitter) is following suit.

X jumped on the train of access keys, now allowing iOS users on iPhone and iPad to take advantage of this clever safety feature, no matter if they enjoy the free or premium X experience. Currently available in the United States, X has not disclosed the timeline for expanding this feature to Android or other countries.

Creating a password for X means you can say goodbye to the hassle of entering a password every time you log in. Now you can simply trust your device's security features like Face ID, Touch ID, or password to effortlessly access your account.

To create a password in X, just follow these simple steps in the iOS app. Sign in with the account you want to secure, then go to Your Account > Settings & Privacy > Security & Account Access > Security > Additional Password Protection. From this menu, choose Passkey. You will be prompted to enter your password and simply follow the steps from there.

Setting up passwords involves your device generating both a public key and a private key. Your device keeps the private key secure, while the shared public key is stored on the platform you sign in to, like X.

Once setup is complete, you can opt for a passcode instead of a passcode to log into your X account. Your device will verify your identity using the public key. Ideally, this password works seamlessly across all devices signed into the same iCloud account.

If you haven't spotted X's passkey feature yet, don't worry! The rollout may still be in progress, so keep an eye out for the update.

Furthermore, just recently, X managed to obtain its 15th money transmission license in the United States, bringing Elon Musk's vision of .