Non-invasive blood glucose monitoring Galaxy Watch is coming, just not yet, says Samsung official

admin24 January 2024Last Update :
Non-invasive blood glucose monitoring Galaxy Watch is coming, just not yet, says Samsung official

Non-invasive blood glucose monitoring Galaxy Watch is coming, just not yet, says Samsung official،

Every tech manufacturer is constantly trying to be the first to come up with the next big thing, all in an effort to be the first to introduce a new upgrade. And in this day and age where it seems like we've reached a certain plateau in terms of the evolution of mobile technology, new upgrades are more important than ever. Well, one such upgrade that Samsung and Apple are in a hurry to introduce is a non-invasive blood sugar measuring system. (or blood sugar) with their upcoming smartwatches. Apple has been trying to include this in its wearable devices for a long time, even with the first Apple Watch in 2015.

A new Bloomberg report (paywalled) indicates that Samsung is currently working on introducing the same feature. This is part of the company's ongoing mission to expand its arsenal of health features on the devices it offers and, in fact, the blood sugar monitoring feature is also rumored to come with the Galaxy Ring planned, which could arrive later this year.

Samsung's focus on creating a wearable device capable of performing such health measurements was reinforced by Hon Pak, the company's head of digital health, in an interview with Bloomberg where he shared that following :

The Bloomberg report continues to reveal that Samsung is looking to increase the amount of health data it can offer its customers by using sensors located in different parts of the body.

Unfortunately, Mr. Pak did not mention any rough estimates of when we can expect continuous blood pressure and glucose monitoring, but he shared his hopes that it will happen within the next 5 years.

Now, for a little context, we should mention that there are already smartwatches that can measure your blood pressure, the Galaxy Watch 5 being one of them. However, we are yet to see a smartwatch that measures blood pressure. continuously.

Why is non-invasive blood glucose monitoring on wearable devices so important?

As it stands, measuring your blood sugar level requires drawing blood by piercing your skin with a glucometer. This can be a tedious and unpleasant process, and discomfort is the main problem Samsung and Apple are trying to solve by creating a wearable device with non-invasive blood sugar monitoring. This would be a major change, especially for diabetics, who must monitor their blood sugar levels regularly.

There is still a long way to go

But achieving this technological feat is much more difficult. Not only because it requires technological innovations that have been underway for more than a decade, but also because the measurement must be absolutely precise. Unlike the heart rate monitor, which helps you track your pulse during cardio workouts, diabetics and doctors rely on blood sugar monitoring to provide the correct dosage of insulin, including other types of medications .

Regulatory bodies like the FDA, for example, will need to approve a device that reads blood sugar because even the slightest incorrect reading can have serious health consequences. So even if all the technological hurdles are overcome, there remains the process of obtaining approval from an organization like the FDA, which can take years. So, the 5 years hoped for by Samsung's Hon Pak actually seems realistic, and even a little optimistic.

Suffice it to say, this will be a technological milestone regardless of which company is the first to introduce non-invasive blood sugar monitoring on a wearable device, whether it's Samsung, Apple, or someone else. 'another.