Palworld Has Already Sold Over 5 Million Copies

admin22 January 2024Last Update :
Palworld Has Already Sold Over 5 Million Copies

Palworld Has Already Sold Over 5 Million Copies،

Many of you probably spent the last weekend getting acquainted with the heavily Pokémon-inspired game. World Pal. Given the hype surrounding this open-world tactical survival game, it's no surprise to see it take one step after another.

One of the best-selling games on Steam

Currently, Palworld has sold over five million copies, according to a recent article on X. Keep in mind that it was only released a few days ago – also in early access – so this number is staggering in every way.

This latest development comes less than a day after the game surpassed four million copies, so we can expect the numbers to continue to rise for now.

In addition to selling an extraordinary amount, it also exceeded the Steam Maps. At one point, it even managed to topple the Steam Deck, although Valve's handheld is now back in its top spot.

According to Steam Database – a website that reports on all things Steam – Palworld recently recorded nearly 1.3 million concurrent players, with around 1.28 online at the time of writing.

Without putting too fine a point on it, developer Pocket Pair's survival game has become one of the best-selling early access releases in recent history, remarkably accomplished in such a short time.

For those who haven't played it yet, Palworld has been described as Pokémon-meets-weapons, or words to that effect. It tasks players with crafting, building, surviving, and adventuring in a world populated by cute animals called Pals. These creatures can be captured and used either to fight enemies or to help out at the base.

World Pal is available on PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. It's also available on Game Pass, which only makes it even more impressive that it's now sold five million copies.