Verizon will once again raise its monthly prices for many existing customers in March

admin18 January 2024Last Update :
Verizon will once again raise its monthly prices for many existing customers in March

Verizon will once again raise its monthly prices for many existing customers in March،

While Verizon and T-Mobile were fiercely competing for the title of best wireless service provider in the United States not long ago by constantly outdoing each other with attractive promotions, free gifts and increasingly cheaper plans. The worst “trophy” of carriers these days with price increases after price increases, class actions, safety problems and… even more price increases.

By then, you should be well informed about your “situation” regarding this impending $4 monthly price hike with the usual SMS and email notifications. Of course, you don't have to be a genius to know if a billing change is imminent on your Verizon account.
If you're on an “older” Mix & Match plan, expect to pay $4 more than before per line each month starting in March. If, on the other hand, you have already opted for a myPlan option, you are safe (for the moment) and you will continue to spend exactly as much money as currently.

Yes, it's all pretty simple and straightforward, but that doesn't mean what Big Red is doing here is very… right, essentially pressuring subscribers who feel perfectly comfortable with their current projects to move on to “newer” and “better” projects. .

This is obviously a tactic as old as time, and both TMobile and AT&T have used their own similar strategies in the recent past to try to extract more revenue from their users. That being said, this Verizon this decision seems particularly egregious, both in terms of timing and value.

$4 per month is a pretty significant price increase that everyone I will notice and probably take issue with it, especially when it comes so quickly after a big controversy over blatantly unfair fees…that Verizon has no plans to stop and could also increase soon enough.