T-Mobile vs Verizon vs AT&T vs the World: US champ wins global title in new 5G contest

admin18 October 2023Last Update :
T-Mobile vs Verizon vs AT&T vs the World: US champ wins global title in new 5G contest

T-Mobile vs Verizon vs AT&T vs the World: US champ wins global title in new 5G contest،

What is the best US mobile network operator? If we leave aside any inherent traces of subjectivity and ignore your personal experiences and those of those around you, we can probably all come together and give the one scientifically supported and universally accepted answer, drawn from countless reports and literature. independent research published over the years. last years.

This may seem like a question with an impossible answer, but as daunting as it may seem, Opensignal has managed to gather a new set of rigorous data covering the entire world and divide it into two groups of countries based on their area. . Not surprisingly, the United States is in the first such group and, surprisingly or not, T Mobile leads one of the group’s key subsections, not only beating Verizon and AT&T, but also the largest operators in markets like India, Australia, Brazil, Japan, Indonesia, South Africa, Italy, Germany and of course China.

Let’s all hail the global king of 5G availability!

You might not know…if you’ve been living under a lonely rock somewhere in the Great Smoky Mountains or have managed to avoid everything T Mobilesince around 2019, but the “Un-carrier” has adopted a radically different 5G deployment strategy than that of Verizon and AT&T, as well as many other carriers in many other countries.

Initially focused on providing low-band 5G coverage to as many people as possible across the country, T-Mo then proceeded with its mid-band deployments and expansions, rapidly improving speeds in thousands of cities and towns. villages while largely ignoring the much faster mmWave technology. favored by the competition.

The goal has always been to help millions of customers benefit from meaningful 5G upgrades, and today’s report confirms (for the umpteenth time) that the goal was achieved with efficiency and ease. T Mobile is not only the number one “Group I” operator in the world when it comes to 5G availability, absolutely crushing the silver and bronze medalists with huge advantages of 14.5 and 21.2 % respectively.

T-Mo’s 5G availability score of 56.1%, in case you were wondering, represents not the theoretical coverage of its broadband wireless service, but the proportion of time its actual customers spend in the real world over a 5G connection. In other words, said connection is currently available more than half the time to “eligible” users, which is a threshold that no one else can exceed… except T Mobile Porto Rico. It’s the “Group II” 5G availability leader, and its supremacy over the top wireless dogs from South Korea or Kuwait is equally overwhelming.

What about the 5G speed battle?

Unfortunately, there is no perfect 5G network yet… and because T Mobile has been so focused on winning the 5G availability war that its name is currently not among the 5G Global Winners or 5G Global Leaders for download speed in Group I or Group II.
What might seem more concerning for Magenta is its absence from the latest group of global 5G download speed rising stars, which includes both AT&T and Verizon. But it is above all because T-Mo’s American rivals had a lot room for improvement, jumping 53 and 35.7 percent respectively in this category compared to last year.
And guess who was number two on the world’s “most improved” list last year with an incredible 98.9% increase in 5G download speeds compared to 2021? That’s right, T Mobilewhich undoubtedly remains the fastest 5G wireless service provider in America, in addition to the champion of 5G availability, latency, reliability and consistency.
There’s simply no contest at the moment, and despite AT&T and VerizonDespite the decent progress made in recent times, it is safe to assume that the status quo will not change anytime soon.