Fancy a dip? Why not take your (future) iPhone with you underwater and shoot some fish?

admin17 January 2024Last Update :
Fancy a dip? Why not take your (future) iPhone with you underwater and shoot some fish?

Fancy a dip? Why not take your (future) iPhone with you underwater and shoot some fish?،

The iPhone will work underwater at some point. As a side note: I know which Beatles song Apple should use for the marketing campaign for an iPhone that dives like a submarine (another note: they really should have a yellow iPhone for this one).

All joking aside, Apple has secured a new patent for something called “Underwater UI” for an iPhone, which means that engineers in Cupertino are not only busy making the hardware waterproof, but that the iPhone could also contain a brand new user interface for wet moments.

“As electronic devices are manufactured to be water resistant or waterproof, some users use their electronic devices while engaging in water activities or other activities that bring their electronic devices into contact with water or other liquids. Users, in certain circumstances, operate their electronic devices when they are wet,” says Apple (via AppleInsider).The drawings attached to the patent show a mobile device that has nothing to do with an iPhone (are these the leaked renders of the iPhone 16?), but it is clearly underwater, because there has fish drawn in the background.

The device screen in the patent presents the potential user with several large menu buttons to choose from, such as “Camera” or “Messages.” This has nothing to do with the usual iPhone home screen: when you're underwater, logic dictates that you don't care about smooth animations, smart designs, and aesthetics. A convenient and useful user experience is the name of the game – you want to dive with your iPhone and get the job done – whether it's taking photos of fish or sending messages from the seabed – then resurface and breathe.