Imagine never charging your phone again: Nuclear battery promises 50 years of power

admin12 January 2024Last Update :
Imagine never charging your phone again: Nuclear battery promises 50 years of power

Imagine never charging your phone again: Nuclear battery promises 50 years of power،

Nuclear energy has existed since the beginning of the 20th century, but it really took off in the mid-1900s. The big breakthrough? The first controlled nuclear chain reaction took place on December 2, 1942, led by Italian physicist Enrico Fermi as part of the famous Manhattan Project. This was a game changer in the field of nuclear technology. Now, scientists are investigating ways to use this technology to power something we can't live without: our smartphones. Who would have thought that, right?Independent (via Android Center) reports that a Chinese startup has developed a battery that it claims will not need to be recharged or maintained for 50 years. Beijing-based Betavolt is making headlines for its breakthrough in the miniaturization of atomic energy. He managed to compress 63 nuclear isotopes into a module as small as a coin.

The company behind this innovation reveals that its next generation battery is already in pilot testing. The plan? Mass produce it for commercial use in devices such as phones and drones. However, there is no fixed date yet for the availability of these batteries.

Betavolt announced that its initial nuclear battery model provides 100 microwatts of power at a voltage of 3 V, with dimensions of 15x15x5 cubic millimeters. Looking ahead, the company aims to accelerate its technology to produce a battery capable of 1 watt of power by 2025.

Betavolt's compact nuclear batteries could be used to increase power. The company is thinking big by imagining cell phones that don't need to be recharged or drones that fly indefinitely. But let's be realistic: The long life and uninterrupted power of these batteries might be overkill for smartphones, which we typically replace every few years and can easily recharge.

And there is another angle to consider. With concerns over radioactive materials, most people might be hesitant to carry a nuclear-powered gadget in their pocket. However, Betavolt assures that its battery's multi-layer design prevents it from catching fire or exploding under sudden force. In addition, it can withstand extreme temperatures, from -60°C to 120°C.

The atomic energy battery developed by Betavolt is absolutely safe, produces no external radiation and is suitable for use in medical devices such as pacemakers, artificial hearts and cochleae in the human body.“, says the company.

Nuclear batteries work by transforming heat from radioactive decay into energy. Commonly using isotopes like plutonium-238, they are known for their long maintenance-free life. Perfect for space missions and off-grid locations. But there is a trade-off: they are not very effective and the use of radioactive materials raises safety and environmental concerns.

The presence of radioactive materials in consumer products would likely face significant regulatory hurdles. The use of these materials is subject to strict controls due to their potential impact on health and the environment.

However, the company claims that “Atomic energy batteries are environmentally friendly. After the decay period, the 63 isotopes transform into a stable isotope of copper, which is non-radioactive and poses no threat or pollution to the environment..”

Only time can answer the question of whether these nuclear batteries will power our smartphones in the future. Until then, if you're looking to buy a smartphone with a reliable battery, find out which phones had the best battery life in 2023.