Research roadblock: TikTok withdraws key tool following negative report

admin10 January 2024Last Update :
Research roadblock: TikTok withdraws key tool following negative report

Research roadblock: TikTok withdraws key tool following negative report،

One of the most popular apps in the world, TikTok, is facing constant criticism and even calls for it to be banned. The latest initiative from the Chinese application is once again raising eyebrows.

TikTok recently removed a tool used by researchers to study the popularity of hashtags on its app. This decision, reported by The New York Times (via Engadget), came after researchers criticized the company in a report based on tool data.

The tool, known as Creative Center, was a rare public method for tracking the popularity of hashtags. It offered data to advertisers and others. Researchers at Rutgers' Network Contagion Institute used its search function to track “sensitive” hashtags linked to the interests of the Chinese government. The comparison between TikTok and Instagram led to the conclusion that many “sensitive“The topics were significantly less represented on TikTok.

Following the report, TikTok quietly removed the search function from the Creative Center. The company cited misuse of the tool, saying that “Unfortunately, some individuals and organizations have abused the Center's research function to draw inaccurate conclusions. We therefore modify certain features to ensure that they are used for their intended purposes..”

The move adds to growing tension between social media companies and researchers who look into topics such as misinformation. TikTok, like Meta and X (former Twitter), has faced challenges with researchers studying content distribution.

The decision to remove the tool raises questions about TikTok's willingness to collaborate with researchers, particularly amid increased scrutiny of its content policies and handling of issues related to the war between Israel and Hamas. For example. The lack of transparency worries researchers about the company's approach.

This pressure has even sparked discussions in Washington about banning the app or forcing its sale to a US company – although the latter solution seems unlikely. TikTok defended itself, saying the Chinese government has no influence over the app and criticizing the research for using a “faulty methodology.”

The broader conversation also involves transparency from social media platforms. Experts are calling for regulations requiring platforms to share their data with external researchers, emphasizing the need to avoid leaving transparency decisions solely in the hands of platforms.