Broncos open to Russell Wilson’s return but say no call made yet

admin10 January 2024Last Update :
Broncos open to Russell Wilson's return but say no call made yet

Broncos open to Russell Wilson’s return but say no call made yet،

ENGLEWOOD, Colo. – Denver Broncos owner and CEO Greg Penner, general manager George Paton and coach Sean Payton all left the door open Tuesday for Russell Wilson to return in 2024, but all three also said no A decision had not yet been made regarding the quarterback. future.

The three spoke Tuesday, two days after the Broncos capped an 8-9 season with a 27-14 loss to the Las Vegas Raiders at Allegiant Stadium. This was the team's eighth consecutive playoff failure and seventh consecutive losing season.

Payton benched Wilson for the final two games of the season – Jarrett Stidham started both. Wilson had said he was asked to change his contract earlier in the season and would be benched if he didn't do so.

Payton said he met with Wilson for 30 minutes Monday and that a scenario in which Wilson returned was among the topics discussed, but also that any decisions would be made in a timely manner.

“I told him, 'Look, I don't think it's going to be a long, drawn-out process,' but it hasn't been decided in terms of our plans,” Payton said. “As soon as we know something for sure, he’ll be the first to know.”

Payton was later asked if the discussion formally included a path to Wilson's return.

“Yeah, look, otherwise it would have been like 'hey, bye,'” Payton said. “…We'll look at all scenarios and try to do what's best for the Broncos. But communication will be important and, yes, that final decision hasn't been made.”

Many around the league expect the Broncos to release Wilson in the coming weeks, leading to hefty salary cap implications for the team. It would also leave the starting quarterback position open again. But Penner and Paton echoed the storyline back on Tuesday and insisted that all discussions with Wilson and his representatives were conducted in “good faith.”

Wilson said on Dec. 29 — two days after Payton told the team that Wilson had been benched — that the Broncos approached him right after the team's Week 8 win over the Chiefs of Kansas City regarding the waiver of a five-year salary guarantee of $242.6. Million-dollar contract he signed in 2022. This guarantee would give Wilson, who is already guaranteed $39 million in 2024 whether he's on the team or not, another $37 million (his 2025 salary) guaranteed if he could not pass a medical exam on the fifth day. of the new championship year in March.

“During the bye week, I contacted Russ’ agent in good faith and in a creative effort to adjust his contract,” Paton said Tuesday. “We couldn't make a deal and continued our season. That didn't happen again. Fast forward to Week 17, Sean makes a change at quarterback. It was a decision made by Sean. , what he thought was in the best interest of the team. It was completely independent of any conversations I had with the agent. Again, it was a decision football, taken by Sean.

“…We made a good faith attempt to adjust his contract; we behaved professionally,” Paton added. “I’ll just leave it at that.”

Paton was asked how Wilson and his representatives might have felt about the threat of benching the quarterback if no compromise had been reached on a contract adjustment.

“That's a good question. Again, we've tried to adjust the contract; we've done it with what we professionally believe is in the best interest of the Broncos.”

Penner said that while he is regularly briefed on negotiations with players as well as their agents, he leaves those discussions to Paton.

“As CEO, I definitely want to be informed about what's going on, but at the same time I trust people to do their jobs,” Penner said. “I don't coach the football team; I don't call agents and I don't negotiate player contracts. … I think the approach with Russell's agent was made in a constructive and n simply did not result in an agreement.

“It's not always going to be easy; I'm sure… you can always look back and there are different ways of handling things. I'm sure in this case we could have done some things in a different way.” , Penner said. added. “But, again, our goal was to see if there was an agreeable and constructive way forward that would work for both parties.”

According to several league executives who manage the salary cap, if the Broncos release Wilson, the “dead money” charges left on Denver's salary cap would amount to $35.4 million in 2024 and $49.6 million in 2025. Combined dead money of $85 million This charge would be the largest a team has accepted for a player in salary cap history.

Penner said Tuesday he understands what it will mean for the Broncos, but that it won't be the driving force behind the decision.

“Obviously the financial side is a big part of how this will work in the future,” Penner said. “But that's not what's going to drive the decision; the decision is going to be driven by what's in the best interest of this football team winning games.”