iPhone AirDrop message senders can now be identified as Beijing cracks Apple encryption logs

admin9 January 2024Last Update :
iPhone AirDrop message senders can now be identified as Beijing cracks Apple encryption logs

iPhone AirDrop message senders can now be identified as Beijing cracks Apple encryption logs،

The Chinese government says it has found a way to identify those sending messages through the iOS AirDrop feature, despite Apple's encryption. The Beijing government institute that developed the state-sponsored hacking boasted that it made police work easier by more easily identifying suspects, reports Bloomberg.

According to Beijing's judicial assessment InstituteTHE “forensic expertise in the case of inappropriate information disseminated via “airdrop” on mobile phones overcame the technical difficulties of anonymous traceability via AirDrop, improves the efficiency and accuracy of case resolution and prevents the spread of inappropriate remarks as well as potential bad influences“.

The case study that exposed the AirDrop encryption crack developed by China's forensic institute involved inappropriate messages like the one you see in the headline image sent on the subway to everyone who activated their iPhone feature respective. Beijing Wangshendongjian Forensic Evaluation Institute got to work and created a team of 10 people to apply hacking knowledge, including 6 forensic engineers and corresponding certified equipment:

Needless to say, the big news here is that a Chinese government entity has somehow managed to crack Apple's AirDrop messaging encryption in order to identify message senders and then take action Consequently. Apple has already been in hot water over the AirDrop feature in China, when it added the ability to change the threshold for receiving contacts only after 10 minutes of inactivity.
The Chinese government required this change due to protesters using AirDrop to spread anti-government messages and posters, but Apple later added the “contacts only” switch to iPhones around the world as well. Now, under the pretext of stopping the spread of inappropriate messages on the subway, China has apparently designed a hack to identify senders of unwanted information, which should act as a deterrent to anyone wishing to exploit this messaging route for any purpose whatsoever.