Caught in a tough position, Samsung wants to stop leakers from posting Galaxy S24 series images

admin7 January 2024Last Update :
Caught in a tough position, Samsung wants to stop leakers from posting Galaxy S24 series images

Caught in a tough position, Samsung wants to stop leakers from posting Galaxy S24 series images،

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Just the other day, well-known leaker Evan Blass had to delete an image from the Galaxy S24 Ultra which he shared via a tweet on “X”. Instead of the leaked image, Blass' post read “Media not showing. This image was removed in response to a report from the copyright holder.” The latter is of course Samsung. And the company is in a tough situation because it wants to generate buzz about its next high-end phone and that's what the leaks will do. On the other hand, he doesn't want to find himself in a situation where there are no more surprises to announce during the Unpacked event, which would cause viewers watching the livestream to turn it off out of boredom.
Before Samsung managed to convince Blass to remove the leaked Galaxy S24 Ultra image, others had already seen it and left comments in the thread. Among those who commented were “X” and Weibo leaker Ice Universe.. Speaking about the titanium frame used on the blue and green versions of the high-end unit, Ice Universe wrote: “It's definitely Samsung's biggest mistake to make the blue and green versions of the middle frame black.”
However, by forcing Blass to remove the image, Samsung is missing a golden opportunity to get phone enthusiasts talking about arguably Samsung's most important phone of the year, the Galaxy S24 Ultra. Still, as we get closer to the January 17 event, we should see more leaks with Samsung on full alert waiting to force leakers to remove any images that Sammy doesn't want the public to see at the moment. In a week and a half, Samsung won't care who looks at photos of the Galaxy S24 series.