X / Twitter slashes price for verified businesses by introducing a basic tier, but there’s a catch

admin5 January 2024Last Update :
X / Twitter slashes price for verified businesses by introducing a basic tier, but there's a catch

X / Twitter slashes price for verified businesses by introducing a basic tier, but there’s a catch،

In an interesting new development, X/Twitter, the social media platform owned by Elon Musk, has just revealed a significant reduction in the price of its subscription to verified organizations. This subscription provides businesses with the coveted golden checkmark and brand icon on their profiles, enhancing their online presence. However, the recently introduced Verified Organizations Basic plan is limited to specific types of businesses, and the details remain unclear. The official @Verified account made the announcement on January 2, but the platform's website has not yet been updated. According to the tweet, Verified Organizations Basic will be priced at $200 per month, a significant 80% discount from the original Verified Organizations plan which costs $1,000 per month.

The Origin Verification plan offers businesses a range of benefits, such as verification, brand icon, identity theft protection, premium support and the ability to add additional accounts for 50 $ per month each. However, details regarding the features of the new Basic plan and its eligibility criteria for businesses remain unclear.

Opinions within the X community vary greatly. Several small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) expressed approval at the news, saying the initial proposal was too costly and out of their reach. On the other hand, some have expressed concerns about the high cost of X's base tick, still at this discounted price, and questioned the effectiveness of the platform's verification system.

Since its acquisition by Elon Musk, X (formerly Twitter) has faced challenges in terms of gaining traction and profitability. The platform is currently led by CEO Linda Yacarino, who took over last year. X's user base is reported to exceed 100 million, although industry analysts suggest that only a small portion of these users are actively engaged and generating revenue for the company. Only time will tell if these new efforts to attract SMEs will pay off in the long term.