iPhone suffers from a “rough night” in new #BestPhonesForever ad from Google

admin2 January 2024Last Update :
iPhone suffers from a "rough night" in new #BestPhonesForever ad from Google

iPhone suffers from a “rough night” in new #BestPhonesForever ad from Google،

Google's latest commercial that depicts a friendship between iPhone and Pixel begins on New Year's morning and it's obvious that the iPhone is a bit hungover. “Uuuuggghhhh,” iPhone said, lying on the floor, leaving Pixel to ask, “Rough night, iPhone?” It turned out that during the night there was a big party with “tons of people” taking too many group photos. “And in every photo, someone was blinking or looking away,” iPhone said.
After Pixel admits to experiencing the same thing, the iPhone responds by saying, “But I don't have the best take like you, so I can't combine everyone's best takes into one photo.” As a result, iPhone says it had to take many more photos until a passable image was taken. But this led to the iPhone battery draining and the film bloating. Pixel replied: “You should have sent me the photos, let me fix them.”

This last comment caught Apple's attention and the iPhone rises from the ground to tell Pixel: “Can you do this with your AI? Even if you didn't take the photos?” After Pixel says “Totally”, iPhone is stunned and falls onto the bridge. Feeling nauseous, iPhone warns, “I think I'm going to purge my iCloud,” which is probably more disgusting than it sounds. And then the advertising comes to an end.

Weighing in at 63 seconds, we could see an edited 30-second version or the full 60-second spot on TV this week. For those unfamiliar with Best Take, the feature allows you to replace one or more faces in a group photo with an alternative that might show a particular member of the group smiling instead of frowning or with their eyes open instead. closed. Currently, it's available on the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, although it may become available for older Pixel models in the future.