How to delete all your emails on Gmail?

admin31 December 2023Last Update :
How to delete all your emails on Gmail?

How to delete all your emails on Gmail?،

If your Gmail inbox is cluttered, trust me, you're not alone. Whether you're looking to free up storage space or organize the inbox by clearing “unread” emails, here's what you can do. Bulk email deletion works wonders because it eliminates the buildup of emails, especially those from job boards, dating sites, social media, and huge numbers of emails. promotional and marketing emails.

If you are still with me, let's see how to delete emails one by one or all together. Of course, we are not going to take a circuitous route but rather mass delete emails in a controlled manner, i.e. by choosing the category or mass deleting emails by labels, certain people, etc. Here's how to do it!

How to delete an email on Gmail?

The easiest is when you want to delete a particular email, several of them are all listed on the same page in Gmail. Here's how.

  • Open Gmail this should load the 'Mailbox' by default.
  • You will see a 'case' before each email, which helps you select one or more emails and take the necessary actions.
  • Select the ones you want DELETEhover over the top of emails to find a trash can icon or sign, then tap.
  • Selected emails will be immediately deleted.
  • Then check out the navigation panel on the LEFT and find 'Garbage can'. This is where all deleted emails are stored for a certain period of time.
  • Click on “Empty trash now” and press 'ALL RIGHT' when prompted.

How to bulk delete emails on Gmail?

If you're feeling brave enough, you can take on mass email deletion on Gmail. Here's how.

  • Open Gmail. It opens on the 'Mailbox' default page.
  • Locate the 'case' located on at the top of emails in the left cornerand select it.
  • This will automatically select all emails on that particular page. For example, my Gmail is configured to display 50 emails on each page and so 50 emails will be automatically selected.
  • If you want, you can browse the subject or sender and deselect one or more emails from this list.
  • Simply go through the list and if there are no emails to save, click the 'Select all xxx conversations in {Folder}' which will select all emails in the given folder.
  • Finally, press the “trash can” icon located at the top of the mailing lists in the actions tab and viola, it's done.
  • Finally, go to 'Garbage can'press the “Empty trash now” button at the top of emails to get rid of deleted emails in the trash section.

How to bulk delete certain types of emails on Gmail?

Deleting emails on Gmail can be quite complicated. However, it turns out that deleting some or all types of emails is still possible. Let's learn about advanced email deletion techniques on Gmail by category, labels, data range, sender and read/unread.

Delete by category

Over the years, Gmail has evolved a lot. It now categorizes emails into various “categories” such as promotions, updates, social networks and forums, among others. Here's how to bulk delete emails on Gmail by category.

  • Go to Gmail.
  • On the left side, where the navigation panel is, search “Categories” this should reveal various emails by category.
  • Tap any categoryAnd checkbox in the upper left corner has select all emails on that particular page. [For instance, I selected ‘Social’].
  • You can expand it to select all emails from the given category. [For instance, I had 54 emails in the ‘Social’ category].
  • Hit it 'Garbage can' icon in the actions tab at the top of emails.
  • Finally, go to 'Garbage can' and get rid of deleted emails.

Delete certain people's emails

Gmail's search box is powerful enough to help you narrow down your search for any query. Likewise, you can delete emails from certain people or entities. All you need to know is the email address of the person/company in question. Here's how you'll purge these specific emails.

  • First, open Gmail on your browser.
  • There is a search bar on top web page (not the URL bar).
  • You must type “has:[name]» of the person/entity you want to search for email addresses and add “Since:[name”. [Without using the quotation marks].
  • Once you have a list, you can filter by time, attachments, calendar updates, etc..
  • Otherwise, just press the 'Select all conversations matching this search' and this should purge all emails here.
  • You should delete these emails from 'Garbage can' Or 'Garbage can' manually but that's it.

Delete by date range

If you have emails from half a decade ago, the question is: will you need them? I do not think so. You can always separate important emails and store them elsewhere, but the majority of these dated emails are trash. Here's how to filter emails by date and delete them before the inbox reaches maximum capacity.

  • Open Gmail on your browser.
  • Go to the search bar and type the date using this command“Before:[date]» Or “After:[date]”. Dates must be within “D/M/YYYY” Or “D/MYYYY” format. Just one year would be good too.
  • Once Gmail finds the emails as shown, you can select the ones that might be of any importance and move them to other categories or label them.
  • Finally, tap “Select all conversations that match this search” and viola, everything is gone.
  • You can continue reset date range to get rid of many emails from other dates, for example since you created the account 2-3 years before today.

Delete by tags

Labels on Gmail are practically placeholders where you can keep all the important emails. Just one click on any label and you get a list of emails that you have separated into that particular label. Here's how.

  • Open Gmail on your Internet browser.
  • Go into the 'Labels' on the navigation panel on the left side.
  • Press the particular 'Label' which gives you a list of email conversations in that particular label.
  • Select all emails and tap “Select all X conversations from this search” and hit “DELETE”.

Delete by read/unread

Your Gmail inbox may have thousands of emails, but you certainly haven't read every email. These “unread” emails are the least important or downright useless according to popular consensus. Here's how to complete this process.

  • Open Gmail on your web browser which will open the 'Mailbox' by default.
  • In addition to email conversations, there is a box with a drop-down arrow. If you click on the drop-down box, you should see several options. Select 'Read' Or ” Unread “.


  • You can search “is: unread” (the majority of unread emails are generally useless) or “is read” (it may be important to take a look at the emails before continuing).
  • Once you have selected these emails, click on the 'Garbage can' icon and this is where all emails will be deleted.
  • You can go to 'Garbage can' and get rid of deleted emails.


Here are some ways to bulk delete emails on Gmail. By doing this, you should be able to get rid of the majority of unwanted and unnecessary emails piling up in your inbox. This should also free up disk space that you can use to store photos and videos with the saved space.

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