What’s worse than dropping your iPhone? Dropping your NEW iPhone in front of video cameras

admin23 December 2023Last Update :
What's worse than dropping your iPhone? Dropping your NEW iPhone in front of video cameras

What’s worse than dropping your iPhone? Dropping your NEW iPhone in front of video cameras،

So you're among the first in line at the Apple Store in Palo Alto to buy the hottest new phone everyone's talking about, the Apple iPhone. It's June 29, 2007 and as you walk out of the store with your treasure in hand, you are immediately flooded by media and others who just want to take a quick look at the “magical” device. As we get to the minute on the video, we see a bearded man wearing a blue shirt and a smile that stretches from Palo Alto to New York.

In his hand is the box containing one of the first iPhones to be ringed at the Apple Store in Palo Alto. The anonymous gentleman takes the phone out of the box to show it to the gathered crowd. Meanwhile, the phone's owner starts talking about the durability of Apple products when he decides to perform a drop test encouraged by the woman standing next to him. “I could trust a pocket drop,” says this woman who might have been jealous enough to trick this guy into performing an ill-advised drop test.

If you're a phone enthusiast, you probably cringed from the moment the grip on the iPhone was released to the moment it hit the pavement. But one fall wasn't enough for the woman who apparently convinced this poor man to drop the phone again, this time from his shirt pocket. This time he landed face first, directly on the glass. Pointing to the shattered screen, the iPhone owner says: “This is what happens when you drop your iPhone about six feet flat on its screen.” Towards the end of the video, the late Steve Jobs makes an appearance as he visits the Apple store in Palo Alto.
It's hard to determine if this was the first ever iPhone drop test done on purpose or if this guy was trying to impress Miss Motormouth next to him by dropping his brand new device. The other video we want to show you is the one we originally published in September 2014 when the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus were released. The first place in the world to sell the new phones was the Apple Store in Australia. And that's when a young boy named Jack came bounding out of the store, holding the box containing his iPhone 6.
What happened next wasn't funny, at least to Jack. When he opened the box to show his brand new phone to a reporter, the angle was wrong and the iPhone hit the ground. The television journalist who was interviewing him at the time of the incident seemed to find some humor in it. Fortunately for Jack, the device does not appear to have been damaged.
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With improvements to iPhone screens over the years and cases that claim to protect current models from drops measuring up to 21.3 feet, feeling your iPhone slip from your hand may no longer be the scary moment it was.