Expecting the Galaxy S24 line at Galaxy S23 prices: is that a reasonable “pipe” dream at all?

admin21 December 2023Last Update :
Expecting the Galaxy S24 line at Galaxy S23 prices: is that a reasonable "pipe" dream at all?

Expecting the Galaxy S24 line at Galaxy S23 prices: is that a reasonable “pipe” dream at all?،

Top Top Top. It seems like everything is increasing in $$$, but we're not going to complain about the price of rent, eggs or bread. Let's focus on the really important questions, like the price of the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S24 lineup.

And, here asking the real questions: do we deserve such an award (whatever it may be)?

In mid-December 2023, Korean media released a report revealing intoxicating information about the tech giant's kitchen. Apparently, Samsung plans to keep the price of the Galaxy S24, the Galaxy S24+ and the Galaxy S24 Ultra and wants to sell them at prices similar to the Galaxy S23.

We will hear the Galaxy S24 very soon with fanfare, the official reveal being planned for mid-January 2024. Then, the price will no longer be a secret, but that is not a reason not to haggle right away (generally, there needs to be a counterpart with whom haggle, so let's imagine Samsung is in the room right now).

So, let's mix up the Galaxy, Pixel, and iPhone prices, add some hardware pieces, plus a cup of global trends (and a few more older device prices), and see what comes out.

Please note that this is a speculative article only, based on an unconfirmed rumor and final prices of the Galaxy S24 can vary.

It's all about context (like this transient thing)

It doesn't matter whether the price of a phone (or an egg or a Porsche) is $1, $1,000, or $1,000,000. What matters is context, like how much money you make and how much money you spend on essential and non-essential things.

In the field of smartphones, two major events occurred in 2023: Apple decided not to increase the prices* of the iPhone 15 range, while Google, on the other hand, took the opposite path and overtook the Pixel 8 and the Pixel 8 Pro for a good $100. for basic models.

*Yes, I know, I know, there was a $100 increase for the base variant of the iPhone 15 Pro Max, but that's because Apple discontinued the 128GB version and set the bar base to 256 GB, thus equalizing the price of the iPhone 15 Pro Max. iPhone 15 Pro Max (256 GB) with that of the iPhone 14 Pro Max (256 GB): $1,199.

In what sense, Samsung?

Besides the allegation of freezing the Galaxy S24 price, the Korean report mentioned above also speculates on why Samsung wants to do this: they want to sell more flagship phones than last year. They want to sell over 33 million units in 2024, to be exact. Everything has its price, and keeping prices the same – even more so. So that Samsung can sell the Galaxy S24 telephones at Galaxy S23 prices and making profits (this is important in business), they must be assured of several things. For the new line to retail the same as the old one, Samsung has to spend the same on hardware, software, salaries, marketing and everything else.

Or… we could find ways to produce the Galaxy S24 range with cheaper parts.

You may or may not have heard this, but Samsung is discerning when it comes to different markets. In some places they put great Qualcomm chipsets in their phones, and in other markets they put their in-house Exynos chips. You don't have to be an industry insider to know which one is the cheapest to get.

Samsung broke the matrix with the Galaxy S23 line, which featured the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, regardless of where it was sold.

Now the good old “You will get a great Qualcomm chipset depending on your location” is back on the table. It is expected that the Galaxy S24THE Galaxy S24+ and the Galaxy S24+ will all receive Qualcomm's Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 in the United States, China and possibly Canada. Outside of these countries, only Galaxy S24 Ultra would get the Snapdragon 8 generation 3with the other two phones in the range – the Galaxy S24 and his big brother Galaxy S24+ – most likely housing Samsung's in-house Exynos 2400 chip.

In short, not having to spend more money on Qualcomm's latest Snapdragon chips for all Galaxy S24 The models will allow Samsung to be flexible with prices and probably not increase them, as we all hope.

If the Korean report proves true, one would expect that Galaxy S24 starting at $799.99, the base Galaxy S24 Plus will cost $999.99 and the base S24 Ultra will cost $1,199.99.

What about the Galaxy S23?

If you're not too interested in AI, maybe you should get the Galaxy S23 (hell, why not the Ultra model?) once the Galaxy S24 – prices will inevitably drop when the new cat comes to town.

If you're into the AI ​​craze, get your wallet ready early next year, because Samsung just can't stop showcasing the Galaxy S24 like an “AI phone”. Things are so bloated that a Samsung boss wants another word for “smartphone” now that the Galaxy S24 is around the corner – a more appropriate word for the coming beast and its magical abilities. Also, a phrase that is not as close in pronunciation as “AI Phone” is “iPhone”.

Final food for thought

If the price remains the same, ideal for US buyers. If you live in the UK or Europe, it's not so great. Last year, the same amount would have bought you a Qualcomm chip in your Galaxy flagship. This year it will (almost certainly) be Exynos.

If the price increases, don't panic. After all, “nothing new under the sun”, right? It's the same sun that has been shining on us since 2019 and driving prices up. On the other hand, a more expensive Galaxy S24 better bring real magic for the money…or else.