Samsung may finally fix image processing with the Galaxy S24 line. What could that mean for your photos?

admin21 December 2023Last Update :
Samsung may finally fix image processing with the Galaxy S24 line. What could that mean for your photos?

Samsung may finally fix image processing with the Galaxy S24 line. What could that mean for your photos?،

Everyone has probably heard of the “Samsung look” for photos. The so-called Samsung look is basically a photo that is sharper, more vivid and more saturated than the real thing. Some people enjoy this overly colorful look, but others prefer to stick to the natural look. Well, according to recent rumors and leaks, Samsung might decide to go for a more realistic look with the Galaxy S24 lineup. Let's talk about what this (if it ends up happening) could mean for your photos.

Samsung sees colors bright and vivid (much more vivid and vivid than reality)

Samsung's flagship phones in recent years have been beasts: packed with the latest chipsets and cool features, these phones are a joy to use. However, the photos they take have a rather unique look, and most of the photos are instantly recognizable as having been taken with a Galaxy phone. Let's quickly see what it is. Color saturation basically means how colorful something is. If you remove all saturation from an image, it turns into grayscale. The more saturation you add, the more vivid the colors. Sharpness, on the other hand, improves the definition of the edges of an image. And Samsung is known to take it up a notch when it comes to these two parameters.

Let's see what we mean. Below we have several shots taken with the S23 Ultra. You can see that these were taken during the winter, and even if you weren't there to check out what the grass actually looked like, you can probably imagine that such bright green grass is difficult to find during the winter:

Of course, as we mentioned, you might like it, and many people do. It's pretty and if you want to exaggerate these colors, that's great! But if you want turf to look like natural grass and your jacket to look like…well, the jacket you bought, then you'd be happy to hear about this new rumor and how it can help you.

Rumors about the S24 series: a realistic treatment? How can this help with photos?

The rumor has been corroborated by several reputable leakers, including the specific tipster Ice Universe. This could mean we could actually see more realistic photo processing on the S24 Ultra. Samsung does the same vivid processing to some extent on all S23 Ultra cameras, and we can see it even more noticeably in ultra-wide and sometimes portrait photos. Of course, it's always possible that Samsung could tame it with software (and therefore retain the Galaxy's distinctive look). But let's see what could happen if she decided to take the more realistic route.

First of all, Samsung has already mastered the details and the S23 Ultra's cameras capture beautiful night photos. The zoom is reliable and actually looks good, and the portrait mode is to die for in terms of subject separation and natural-looking bokeh. The saturation is sometimes excessive, especially when it comes to nature photos or photos taken in nature. That green on the grass and that candy blue sky might not be for you.

The most realistic treatment can tame them just a little bit – they can still look lively and colorful, but more true to life. This can also help with skin tones – sometimes these tend to look pinker or more yellow than reality on Galaxies. Below is a comparison photo from our Galaxy S23 Ultra vs Pixel 8 Pro review. By the way, we just use the Pixel as a reference so you can see the difference in color representation. We don't think the Pixel is perfect by any means (no phone camera is perfect yet!).

However, Samsung has tamed the color saturation a bit when you compare the S23 and S22 Ultra (look at the grass and jacket color):

But there is still room for improvement (as with everything in life, suffice it to say!). In fact, no phone currently offers photos that suit everyone's tastes, but Samsung is in a great position to further enhance its photos with realistic colors, while retaining the rich detail and beautiful dynamics it already has.

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There are many scenarios in which you would like to take a more realistic photo. If you're outdoors a lot and enjoy taking photos in nature, a more natural green and blue can help you create more inspiring photos. Additionally, the need for true color fidelity applies when taking photos of colorful buildings (see the blue graffiti below, it looks like it's almost neon in the Galaxy photo), pets ( we want our pet to look exactly like him). , right?) and people.

Overall, as we've already mentioned, it's not 100% sure that Samsung will do this, as it's still a rumor at this point. We're about to see the S24 series revealed, probably in January, and we can't wait to find out what Samsung has in store for us!