Stay connected with your family: Learn how to share locations on Android

admin20 December 2023Last Update :
Stay connected with your family: Learn how to share locations on Android

Stay connected with your family: Learn how to share locations on Android،

In today's hustle and bustle, where our loved ones are scattered across different cities, even countries and continents, it is essential to stay in touch and make sure they are okay. Thanks to technology, it's a breeze to maintain these connections and keep tabs on their location, especially with the tracking features of our smartphones.

Now I get it: there's the whole issue of privacy and concerns about data misuse. But truth be told, when managed well, location tracking can be a game-changer for the peace of mind and safety of your family and loved ones.

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of setting up location tracking on an Android phone, remember one golden rule: get the green light from the person you're tracking. It's about trust and respect, friends!

Harnessing the potential of location tracking

In the hands of caring people, tracking can be a powerful tool for ensuring the safety and well-being of your loved ones. Maybe you want to be sure your child gets through life safely by staying informed of their whereabouts.

Parents can monitor their children while they go to school, participate in extracurricular activities, or spend time with friends. Or it might be keeping in touch with older family members who live alone. Peace of mind can be invaluable, especially when life throws unexpected upheavals at us.

Location tracking on Android

The easiest way to use location tracking is Google Maps, the go-to navigation app that provides an easy way to share and view location data. Be careful though: both parties must agree for location sharing to take place.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use it:

  1. Open Google Maps on your Android device.
  2. Tap your profile picture icon in the upper right corner to access the side menu.
  3. Choose Location Sharing from the menu.
  4. Select the profile of the family member you want to locate, and voilà, their real-time location will be displayed prominently on the map.

The latest Contacts app update: a smoother tracking experience

Google just enhanced its Contacts app with a feature that makes sharing and managing location information a walk in the park. This feature works for contacts who share their location with you in Google Maps and whose Gmail is linked to their contacts card.

Look for a small section at the bottom of the screen: this is the Google Maps-Location sharing area. There you can see if the other person knows where you stand and, if they do, how long they will have this information.

Just a warning: if your android phone doesn't have Google contacts, head to the Play Store to get in on the action. And remember, this hot-off-the-press feature may take a while to roll out everywhere, so be patient.

Alternative tracking methods: check out the Google Family Link app

Although Google Maps and the Contacts app are popular options, other tracking apps are also available for Android devices. For example, you can download and install Google's Family Link app. Google Family Link is a free app designed to track your child's whereabouts and monitor their device usage.
What is the difference between using Google Maps and the Google Family Link app, you may ask? While Google Maps is your location guru, Google Family Link goes a step further, doubling as a parental control assistant for children under 13. It lets you manage screen time, approve apps, and keep tabs on web browsing.

Ready to use Family Link? Here is your cheat sheet:

  1. Download the app: install it on your and your child's devices.
  2. Parent account: Open Family Link on your device, click “Start” and log in.
  3. Add your child: Tap “Add child” and follow the steps to create or link their Google account.
  4. Pair them: On your child's device, open “Settings”, go to Google, then Parental Controls and follow the steps.
  5. Set controls: Back on your device, open Family Link, select your child, tap “Controls” and adjust screen time, app downloads and web restrictions.

Bonus features include changing location settings, geotagging, and even remotely locking your child's device if necessary.

Consent: the cornerstone of responsible monitoring

Let's be real: When it comes to location tracking, consent is non-negotiable. Follow someone without a green light? It's completely prohibited, not to mention it's against the law and a huge invasion of privacy. Before you press that track button, make sure everyone is on board.

Although tracking apps give that feeling of security in knowing where your family is, don't focus on the technology. Trust and connection? They are the best at building strong family bonds. Do you rely too much on constant monitoring? It's a recipe for distrust and an invasion of privacy that could upend family dynamics.

To build trust, lay your cards on the table with open, honest discussions. Listen to what your peers are saying, explore different solutions, and find the sweet spot that works for everyone. Think of tracking apps as a nice tool in your family safety kit, not the whole kit.

Protect your privacy: keep an eye on your trackers

It's smart to know what's happening with your location data. The good news is that you have built-in settings to play boss of your location permissions and tracking preferences. Check these settings regularly to ensure only trusted crew know where you stand.

Here is the exercise:
  1. Open your phone's Settings app.
  2. Go to “Location”.
  3. Browse the list of apps that monitor your location data.

And if you have a sneaky feeling that someone is playing detective with your position, here is your Sherlock checklist:

  • Be wary of strange app requests: make sure they only get the permissions they actually need.
  • Keep an eye on app behavior: If you notice apps popping up, hiding in the background, or sending strange notifications, that could be a red flag: They could be spying on your location.
  • Scan your installed apps and be on the lookout for mysterious ones you don't remember adding. These unknown apps may be sneaky trackers, possibly installed without your knowledge.
  • Keep an eye out for unusual battery drain: This could be a clue that an app is planning sneaky tracking activity.
  • Be wary of a sudden increase in data usage: this may mean your location data is on the move.
  • Take a look at your Google Maps location history. If you spot strange places that don't match your movements, that's a red flag for possible unauthorized tracking.

Conclusion: a security and reassurance tool

With consent, location becomes a powerful ally for families, providing peace of mind and keeping them safe. Android devices bring the magic of technology, helping families stay connected and informed of each other's whereabouts. It’s about promoting safety and well-being.