iPhone users just got a Journal app. Why would you use it, and do you even need it when you have the Notes app?

admin18 December 2023Last Update :
iPhone users just got a Journal app. Why would you use it, and do you even need it when you have the Notes app?

iPhone users just got a Journal app. Why would you use it, and do you even need it when you have the Notes app?،

iOS 17.2 is now available, bringing a brand new app called Journal. And now, as we approach the end of 2024, it's the perfect time for self-reflection. Now you might be wondering why would you need a Journal app on your iPhone, especially when you have the Notes app. Well, let's talk about it.

Is journaling different from note taking?

People have been keeping journals for quite a while. Initially, this was done in diaries, physical notebooks that you hide in a locked drawer away from prying eyes, and where you shared important things about your day. Journaling is a form of self-reflection, and doing it regularly can help you understand things about yourself and find areas for growth.

On the other hand, note-taking is more of an administrative affair and is primarily intended to help you remember what you need to buy or do.

Of course, no one (or almost no one) uses physical notebooks today (I mean, I almost forgot how to write with a physical pen and end up with scribbles that don't really look pretty every time). I'm trying !). This is where the new Journal app comes in handy.

It's no secret: technology is here to help us do more, be more productive and have fun. But technology can also help us grow!

It's a busy world…

We rarely have time to sit with ourselves, because we are constantly running around: whether it's work, children, household chores, projects… but self-reflection is an essential element for become a better person and grow. For what? Because without knowing yourself, what motivates you or makes you angry, you cannot move forward and evolve as a person.

The Journal app can be helpful if you forget to take time for yourself, as it can remind you to write, and you also receive suggestions in case the empty page seems intimidating.

What's also better about the Journal app than your regular physical journal is that you can easily add photos, videos, and other media to a journal entry. How can this help with introspection? Let's say you're having an active day outdoors and you've taken lots of nature photos. You want to be able to remember the feeling the experience brought you, which is why you put it in a journal entry.

Are you having a bad day? Maybe a quick voice note from you just saying how you feel can help you figure things out? Sometimes we just feel grumpy without knowing how to fix it. Well, naming the emotion you're feeling is a way to clear your mind and help you begin to resolve the problem.

And if you have all these entries in your Journal app, you start to get a broader view of yourself and your emotions. Allowing you to know yourself better and make lasting changes to reach your full potential.

Journaling Challenge: Let’s try this!

You may still think that the Journal app is useless. But you never really know until you try it, right? In fact, for you to start feeling the benefits of journaling and introspection, you need to do it regularly for a while.

Let’s take on a challenge together! Let's try to have at least one entry (you can make more if you want) every day for 14 days. Then, on day 14, let's go through our entries and try to find these three things:

  • What things or experiences inspire me
  • What situations make me angry
  • What can I improve on myself

See if you can find something about yourself that you didn't know!