Apple Watch Ultra (2026) could sport a larger mini-LED screen and a bigger price tag

admin16 December 2023Last Update :
Apple Watch Ultra (2026) could sport a larger mini-LED screen and a bigger price tag

Apple Watch Ultra (2026) could sport a larger mini-LED screen and a bigger price tag،

Yes, it may seem a little early to consider purchasing the Apple Watch Ultra 2026, but on the other hand, it's never too early to start thinking about purchasing a new Apple device. Surely some of you are already thinking about the A21 Pro chipset that could power the iPhone 19 series. This application processor could be produced by TSMC using a 1.4nm process node that the largest foundry in the world, TSMC, has just been mentioned as being the node that could follow 2nm.

Improving efficiency is important to Apple because it plans to eventually use micro-LED in other devices, including the iPhone. And since low yield means paying a higher price for each panel that passes quality control, a one-year delay is at least what the doctor ordered.

TrendForce also expects Apple to increase the size of the Apple Watch Ultra in 2026 to 2.12 inches from the 1.91-inch screens currently used on the 2022 and 2023 versions of the Apple Watch Ultra. So yes, the Apple Watch Ultra 2026 will be the first of Apple's high-end smartwatches to have a screen size larger than 2 inches. This equates to an 11% increase in screen real estate for the Apple Watch Ultra in 2026.

A price increase could also accompany the new Apple Watch Ultra screen in 2026 since TrendForce calculates that the micro-LED screen will cost 2.5 to 3 times more expensive than the current Apple Watch Ultra screen, which which will bring the cost to $120 per screen compared to the $40 to $48 Apple is now paying. The result will be an additional $72 to $80 that Apple will eat or pass on to consumers in the form of higher prices.