Naughty Dog Has Canceled The Last of Us Online

admin15 December 2023Last Update :
Naughty Dog Has Canceled The Last of Us Online

Naughty Dog Has Canceled The Last of Us Online،

If you were impatiently waiting The last of us In multiplayer, unfortunately, dark news awaits us. Naughty Dog recently announced that the project had to be canceled, calling it an “incredibly difficult decision.”

The studio would be “crushed”

In a recent article on developer website, the team announced that The Last Of Us Online is no more. The statement said the decision was made to cancel the multiplayer game due to the resources Naughty Dog would need to maintain the game.

The post goes on to say that the “massive scope” of the project has become clear, adding that the team is expected to provide a lot of post-launch support, “which would have a serious impact on the development of future single-player games.”

Given this, the developer decided to focus more on single-player stories rather than moving to live service. As a result, The Last of Us Online is unlikely to ever see the light of day unless things change in the near future.

Whether this is related to Naughty Dog lays off staff recently, the same cannot be said at this stage. However, many will likely make this connection.

The studio is one of several to have made layoffs this year, with some companies closing their doors entirely. As a result, 2023 has been a tumultuous year for video game development.

As for the future of The last of us series, Part 2 is scheduled to be remastered in January. On top of that, Naughty Dog closed out the recent statement by saying that the team has “more than one brand-new ambitious single-player game” currently in the works.