Warner Bros Discovery podcasts get a new home at Spotify’s Megaphone

admin13 December 2023Last Update :
Warner Bros Discovery podcasts get a new home at Spotify’s Megaphone

Warner Bros Discovery podcasts get a new home at Spotify’s Megaphone،

Spotify will host Warner Bros Discovery Podcasts on Spotify's enterprise podcast platform – Megaphone, according to a new report (via Reuters).

Here is the official announcement from Warner Bros. :

There is an abundance of podcasts produced by Warner Bros. Discovery, such as All There Is with Anderson Cooper, Chasing Life with Dr. Sanjay Gupta, The Assignment with Audie Cornish, The Official Game of Thrones Podcast: House of the Dragon, Succession Podcast, The Plot Thickens, The Steam Room and even more.

The official Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon podcast unpacks and discusses everything Game of Thrones for casual and die-hard fans, starting with the new HBO Original series, House of the Dragon. The hosts are Jason Concepcion and Greta Johnsen, who each week share insights, answer fan questions, get exclusive interviews with the cast and crew, and much more.

This isn't the first time that Spotify and Warner Bros. team up to offer podcasts to fans.

In the summer of 2020, the two giants teamed up to offer comic fans exclusive DC Comics podcasts.