Google’s latest iPhone and Pixel ad discusses Feature Drops and AI

admin9 December 2023Last Update :
Google's latest iPhone and Pixel ad discusses Feature Drops and AI

Google’s latest iPhone and Pixel ad discusses Feature Drops and AI،

If you're a phone enthusiast, there are no better commercials on TV right now than Google's #BestPhonesForever sports which use the shutdown action to bring to life the friendship between the iPhone and the Pixel. Both phones have even been updated to their latest models (you'll see the Pixel 8 Pro's temperature sensor on the Pixel character). And while the ads are for the Pixel 8 line, there's nothing outright nasty or outrageous about it.
The final part of the commercial is called “Snow Phones,” which is fitting since our two stars are singing a Christmas song with the heaviest dose of auto-tune we've heard since Cher's “Do You Believe.” Both built snow phones themselves with buttons used for the camera lenses of fake iPhones and Pixels. After Pixel comments on the iPhone singing, the iOS-powered handset says, “I can't help it, Pixel. I went out on a beautiful day with my best friend. I'm so happy you can finally take a little free time.”
After Pixel asks the iPhone for clarification, the latter handset says Pixel is working too hard. “Every time I turn around, you’re announcing one of your shiny new features.” And iPhone also points out that the Pixel 8 Pro has just become the first phone to benefit from Google's new Gemini AI model. THE Pixel 8 Pro will get Gemini Nano, a scaled-down version of its large language model that will improve the auto-summary feature in the Recorder app and the Smart Reply feature in the Gboard keyboard. This is part of the December Drop feature.

After Pixel admits that the AI ​​feature is so cool, iPhone responds: “Yeah, it's so cool. Didn't anyone tell you that after our fall launches, we could be like our friends here (the snow phones) and relax?” After some nonsense from the iPhone and Pixel, we get the tagline: “Feature Drops all year long.” And there's the post-catchphrase scene that shows the two phones making snow angels?

It wasn't the wittiest, funniest, or most interesting ad in the series, but these ads have a huge following among Apple and Google users. You'll definitely see this ad on TV starting this weekend during NFL, NCAA football and basketball telecasts.