Some Android phones can now share your medical data during a 911 call, similar to iPhones

admin8 December 2023Last Update :
Some Android phones can now share your medical data during a 911 call, similar to iPhones

Some Android phones can now share your medical data during a 911 call, similar to iPhones،

Your android phone is your companion in life. Your girlfriend may leave you and your car may suddenly stop working in the middle of the highway while you're on vacation, but your phone will always be there for you. Well, as long as you keep it charged and don't accidentally drop it off a cliff and destroy its screen. And now your android phone might even help save your life if it supports the Personal Safety app (via Engadget).As the people behind RapidSOS, the platform that Android and iOS use to send data to first responders, announced in a new blog post, Android phones with the Personal Safety app can now automatically send medical data to first responders when they make a call or text 911. Data can include caller name, allergies, medications , pre-existing conditions, emergency contacts, etc. what you chose to share. To enable the new feature, open the Personal Safety app, go to your information, tap “Emergency Information Access” and choose “Share during an emergency call.” It's worth noting that the Personal Safety app has come pre-installed on Pixel phones since the Pixel 4, so if you're a Pixel user you should already be able to enable the new feature. If you're not using a Pixel phone, you can always visit the Personal Security app page on the Google Play Store and see if you can install it on your trusty smartphone.

Now, if the automatic transmission of medical data during an emergency call sounds familiar, that's because it's not exactly a new thing. Since 2020, when Apple released iOS 13.5, iPhones have had the ability to automatically transmit health data to first responders during an emergency call. So that's it Android Phones equipped with the Personal Safety application can do the same. Of course, we honestly hope your phone never needs to use this new feature, but it's nice to know that the dispatched medical team will have your medical information up front if something happens to you, God forbid.