Search For Image Or Document’s Content On Google Files Using This Feature

admin8 December 2023Last Update :
Search For Image Or Document's Content On Google Files Using This Feature

Search For Image Or Document’s Content On Google Files Using This Feature،

The Google Files app has a new feature that helps users find information in documents and images. Called Smart Search, the feature uses machine learning capabilities to analyze the contents of different files and bring back the most relevant results. However, the feature is not available to everyone as it is under testing. Here's everything you need to know about Google Files' smart search feature.

Smart search can browse files and images

According to the Google Play Store changelog for the Files app seen by Android Police, the app is testing advanced search capabilities to make “searching for files” easier. The changelog encourages users with access to the feature to search using text from images and PDFs, locations and objects in images or other documents, and artists /albums from audio and video.

The feature recognizes different objects

In other words, the Files app can now recognize text from images or other documents and other objects in the image, like a plant, animal, etc. For example, if users have a screenshot with someone's address but can't find it, they can do a smart search using the area or an address phrase, and they should retrieve the screenshot. screen with the full address. Similarly, users can search for a dog, cat or bird and report images of these animals.

Disadvantages of Smart Search

However, Android Police also notes that it could not search for images via location, as mentioned in the changelog. Another downside is that the feature does not sample recently added content. Every time users add new files to their smartphone, it takes a few days for them to appear in Smart Search results. Even though the newly added files appear when users search by name, searching by content returns nothing.

Apple Spotlight offers similar features

Apple Spotlight Search

While Smart Search is a nice feature, especially since it removes the need to manually open files and search for the required text or image, it is still in its early stages. Additionally, iOS users already have a similar feature called Spotlight. It allows them to search by swiping down on the home screen and fetching all the data it can find, including matching contacts, images, documents, links, etc.

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