Discord unveils a fresh new look for its iOS and Android apps

admin6 December 2023Last Update :
Discord unveils a fresh new look for its iOS and Android apps

Discord unveils a fresh new look for its iOS and Android apps،

Discord, the popular voice, video and text chat app, unveiled a significant overhaul of its mobile app, marking a major change from its previous iteration. The redesigned app aims to provide a more intuitive and user-friendly experience for Discord users on the go, with a focus on improved navigation, improved performance, and a refreshed interface. At the heart of the redesign is a redesigned navigation structure that separates the servers. and messages in separate tabs. This change simplifies the process of locating specific conversations and eliminates the need to switch between different views. Additionally, the app now has a super-charged search bar that allows users to quickly browse through their posts, pins, files, attachments, and pinned posts.

Source: Discord Blog

To help users track their mentions, the app keeps its “notifications” tab, as before. This is where you can check your @mentions, server events, updates on friend requests, or any replies to your messages. Each notification is actionable, meaning you can tap it to go straight to the conversation it was posted in.

The redesign also addresses several user-requested features, such as the ability to quickly swipe to reply to messages and the introduction of a new “Midnight” theme for those who prefer a darker interface. Additionally, the app now organizes multiple image uploads in a gallery-style view, instead of a full-size view. This way you can view more images at once.

Source: Discord Blog

Beyond navigation, the new mobile app benefits from numerous performance improvements, including a 55% reduction in app opening time on Android and 43% on iOS. The app also consumes four times less data on first load and keeps recent messages cached in the background for faster access. The new Discord mobile app represents a significant step forward in terms of usability and functionality. The revamped interface, improved navigation, and improved performance make it easier than ever for users to stay connected with friends and communities on the go. The application begins its deployment today on Android and iOS.