video do mangue 937 original twitter

admin5 December 2023Last Update :
video do mangue 937 original twitter

video do mangue 937 original twitter

The original video of the Zacarias Mangue 937 portal was reportedly posted on Twitter by a user named @Milgrau1905 on July 1, 2023. The video has since been deleted from Twitter, but it can still be found on other websites.

he video shows a woman entering a dark room. She walks up to a faucet and turns the handle. Instead of water, blood starts to flow from the faucet. The woman looks down and sees that her own hand is turning into a human faucet. She is terrified and runs out of the room.

The video has been viewed millions of times and has sparked much debate about its authenticity. Some people believe that the video is real and that the woman actually saw a portal to the underworld. Others believe that the video is fake and that it was created using special effects.

There is no evidence to confirm or refute the authenticity of the video. However, the video continues to generate interest and debate.