Google to postpone Gemini, ChatGPT’s arch-enemy, until January

admin4 December 2023Last Update :
Google to postpone Gemini, ChatGPT’s arch-enemy, until January

Google to postpone Gemini, ChatGPT’s arch-enemy, until January،

These final weeks of 2023 could have been full of ChatGPT-related news due to the chaotic drama surrounding Sam Altman. But let's check Google and see how far they are with their response to ChatGPT.

Remember Gemini? This is the name that Google gave to its latest AI project, the one announced by the search engine giant during the I/O 2023 conference.

It turns out that Google decided not to launch Gemini in December, as was apparently planned, but to delay it until January 2024 (via 9to5Google). According to InformationGoogle's response to ChatGPT was supposed to have a major reveal this week with a series of events in California, New York and Washington.

What happened?

The report claims that none other than Sundar Pichai decided to delay the launch after Google “discovered that the AI ​​was not reliably processing certain non-English queries.” Global language support is a priority, with Google ultimately aiming to match or surpass OpenAI's GPT-4.

Google's CEO recently said the company is “focused on getting Gemini 1.0 out as quickly as possible, making sure it's competitive and cutting-edge, and we'll build from there.” At the moment, Google is reportedly still “finalizing the main and largest version of Gemini.”

Google CEO DeepMind and his team (who work on Gemini) “aim to give the system new capabilities such as planning or the ability to solve problems”, which will be an interesting turn of events if executed correctly . The AI ​​division is also looking for ways to improve LLM technology (large language model – the deep learning algorithm capable of recognizing, summarizing and generating text) with ideas from other areas of AI. AI.