YouTube will now show you the number of views and likes a video has in real-time

admin4 December 2023Last Update :
YouTube will now show you the number of views and likes a video has in real-time

YouTube will now show you the number of views and likes a video has in real-time،

Google is changing the likes and views counters on YouTube so that they automatically update when a video is viewed. Currently, if you watch a video on the platform, the number of likes and views will not change while you watch the clip. But with this update, both of these metrics will increase and show a cool animation of a rolling number counter whether the video is playing or paused. And the animation will play even if you switch to another app and return to YouTube.
Android Font I discovered this new behavior on YouTube and couldn't find any references to it except for a post on Reddit back in October from the user nonotan who wrote: “I'm watching a video and I keep getting distracted by an animation where the view counter jumps to a new number as if it were a physical click counter. I've never saw this behavior before today, and I would like to disable it.”

The same Redditor was so bothered by the effect that he added the following line to his filters, which prevented the animation and countdown from advancing in real time: youtubei/v1/updated_metadata*.

Others have also posted similar posts about the feature, such as Reddit user. Reyh who said: “Indeed, it is distracting and, in my humble opinion, not at all beneficial. I saw it on Tuesday for the first time, using Firefox. The first few times I only noticed some sort of movement at the bottom left of the videos. I was wondering if it was in “The video itself. Then I looked at the area for a while and saw the new counter animation.”

It appears that this feature is being tested with the help of a very limited number of YouTube users worldwide. Those who see the feature will notice the number of views and number of likes appear on the screen up to a higher number while they watch the video. Google calls this progress and for some of you, it may be.