There is a big flaw that Apple Maps must fix in order to compete with Google Maps

admin3 December 2023Last Update :
There is a big flaw that Apple Maps must fix in order to compete with Google Maps

There is a big flaw that Apple Maps must fix in order to compete with Google Maps،

A few years ago, I wrote about the Apple Maps feature that lets me favor the native iOS navigation app over Google Maps. When you need to make a turn, Apple Maps may inform you to “turn right after the second traffic light” instead of hearing “In a quarter mile, turn right onto Main Street.” Everyone is different, but personally, I’d rather count traffic lights than guess what a quarter mile is by trying to read the street sign.
While Apple has added some cool new features to Maps over the past few years, so has Google. But there is one area where Apple is behind Google Maps and it was mentioned in a post by Redditor Daehtop_Yrrah. The message says: “A new section of highway opened near me almost two weeks ago. Apple Maps still doesn’t show it, Google Maps showed it before it opened with ‘Road Closed’ signs.” Apple Maps shows the highway ending at this previous endpoint, but Google shows it ending at the new interchange. Both maps have a white square in the same location.
As indicated in the Reddit post and Self-evolution, Apple is having trouble quickly updating Apple Maps to show newly opened roads. This doesn’t seem to be a problem for Google Maps. There is a way to notify Apple of a new route. You can stick a “pin” in the area on Maps and “report a problem”. Options include adding a new street or reporting “something else.” If you select the latter option, you can mention any other issues you might encounter with the app
Other editors have written about similar circumstances. “A Reddit follower with the username “Lambor14” posted: “I faced the same issue. It’s so weird since their road closure data is almost always up to date, even in the most obscure places, but they can rarely add new roads in time. This is especially crucial in my area, where hundreds of miles of interstates and interstates open each year. I was so frustrated that I embarked on a huge side quest of reporting every missing part of the Polish highway system and every little problem I noticed in Warsaw. So far Apple has been pretty slow in processing requests, but as long as they add everything at the end I’ll be happy.”

Still, most Apple Maps users would prefer road changes to be made as quickly as possible.