YouTube is widely rolling out a smaller button for skipping ads

admin30 November 2023Last Update :
YouTube is widely rolling out a smaller button for skipping ads

YouTube is widely rolling out a smaller button for skipping ads،

YouTube has experimented with different ad formats over the years, including non-skippable ads and multiple consecutive ad segments. Even though some of these experiments were met with backlash from users, YouTube continued to push the boundaries of advertising tolerance. Recently, the platform began experimenting with a new, smaller button to skip ads – a change that is now rolling out more widely.

As we reported in August and as spotted 9to5Google via Land of search engines, YouTube has started testing a smaller “Skip Ads” button for ads. The new pill-shaped button was about two-thirds the size of the rectangular button it replaced, with the “A” in “Announcements” displayed in lowercase, further reducing the overall size of the button.

YouTube’s old ‘Skip Ads’ button and smaller ‘Skip Ads’ button tested in August | Source – Land search engine

However, according to Android Fontand as we confirmed, that little button has been transformed into a button that simply says “Skip”, completely removing the word “ads”. The location of the new button remains unchanged from the old one, appearing in the same position as before and retaining its transparency.
The redesigned “Skip” button is rolling out to multiple devices in different regions, including web and mobile. Although some users prefer the larger, more prominent rectangular button, the smaller button isn’t too bad when you consider the alternative of having a series of non-skippable ads or an embedded player that lacks an option to commercial skipping.

New YouTube “Skip” button

YouTube’s continued experimentation with ad formats highlights the delicate balance between ad revenue and user satisfaction. While the platform relies on advertising to support its operations and compensate content creators, it must also maintain a user-friendly experience. The smaller Skip Ads button suggests that YouTube is striving to find that balance while still providing an ad-free experience for its Premium users.