Gossip busters: Samsung says Exynos won’t be renamed as ‘Dream Chip’

admin30 November 2023Last Update :
Gossip busters: Samsung says Exynos won’t be renamed as ‘Dream Chip’

Gossip busters: Samsung says Exynos won’t be renamed as ‘Dream Chip’،

If you bet that Samsung might now rename the Exynos chips and call them the “Dream Chip”… well, you lost a bet.

It all started a few days ago, when a tipster on X/Twitter hinted at the possibility that Samsung’s next in-house chip would be called “Dream Chip” instead of the famous Exynos.

Now there is information from Samsung itself and the company has denied such plans in response to a question from Android Authority. “Not all rumors about rebranding are true” – this is what Samsung Semiconductor told the site, thereby denying the rumor.

But where does the “Dream” come from?

According to Samsung, the name “Dream Chip” is simply an internal, non-commercial project name. Of course, it could be that one day the Exynos line of chips will be renamed, but not today, as Samsung claims.

What is the point of rebranding?

To some, rebranding and rebranding may seem strange, but there is an argument for it. Rebranding is essential for businesses that want to stay relevant and competitive in dynamic markets and especially after mistakes. Of course, such a thing cannot be said directly about Exynos, but these chips tend to frustrate some users due to sporadic performance issues (overheating, battery drain, stuttering on videos, etc.) . Thus, rebranding allows companies to adapt to changing consumer preferences, revitalize their image and align with changing industry trends.