Google Chat gets a new mobile redesign with bottom navigation bar on Android and iOS

admin30 November 2023Last Update :
Google Chat gets a new mobile redesign with bottom navigation bar on Android and iOS

Google Chat gets a new mobile redesign with bottom navigation bar on Android and iOS،

Google Chat is deployment a new bottom navigation bar for its Android and iOS apps, making it easier for users to access key features and stay organized on the go. The new navigation bar provides quick access to the Home, Direct Messages, Spaces, and Mentions views, streamlining the overall user experience. Here’s how each of the new views works:

  • The Home view serves as the central hub for all conversations, making it easy for users to stay informed of important discussion threads. A dedicated filter allows users to focus on unread messages, ensuring they don’t miss critical information.
  • The Direct Messages view provides a concise overview of all individual and group conversations, with pinned conversations conveniently placed at the top for easy access.
  • Similarly, the Spaces view shows a condensed list of all Spaces, along with conversations pinned to the top.
  • The Mentions view acts as a personal notification center, highlighting all messages from conversations and spaces in which the user has been mentioned. This feature ensures that users are always aware of relevant discussions and can quickly respond to inquiries or participate in ongoing conversations.

The new bottom navigation bar will automatically appear on Android and iOS devices for administrators and end users, eliminating the need for any manual intervention. The rollout will be gradual, and it will take up to 15 days for all users to receive the update.

Additionally, the new bottom navigation bar is available to all Google Workspace customers and users with personal Google accounts. The phased rollout will begin today for Rapid Launch and Scheduled Launch domains on Android and iOS devices.

These updates follow yesterday’s expansion of the app’s message bubbles on iOS, which provide a more consistent messaging experience across all platforms. Now, with the introduction of the new bottom navigation bar, we see how Google is also working to simplify navigation and improve user productivity within the app.