Samsung’s Galaxy S23 line sells 23% better than the Galaxy S22 line

admin29 November 2023Last Update :
Samsung’s Galaxy S23 line sells 23% better than the Galaxy S22 line

Samsung’s Galaxy S23 line sells 23% better than the Galaxy S22 line،

A lot can happen in nine months (just ask your mother if you don’t believe that) and for the Galaxy S23 series, the last nine months have been great.

A report indicates that the total sales of Galaxy S23THE Galaxy S23+, and the Galaxy S23 Ultra for the nine months since launch are 23% higher than the Galaxy S22 series (via SamMobile).

Could this be a direct consequence of Samsung’s decision to power all devices on the Galaxy S23 series with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2? Whatever the reason, the coincidence in terms of numbers in the Galaxy S23 name and the 23% higher results are funny.

In the nine months since launch, the Galaxy S23 The range has sold 25.06 million units, while for the same period in 2022, Galaxy S22 devices have crossed the 20.32 million mark, almost 5 million fewer phones.

Which model sold best?

On the three devices of the Galaxy S23 line, the Galaxy S23 Ultra champion was the best-selling model in the range: 11.63 million sold! The silver medal goes to vanilla Galaxy S23which sold 8.91 million units, and finally, the least purchased was the Galaxy S23+: sales reached 4.52 million units.

And the foldables?

Three months after their launch, the Galaxy Z Flip 5 and Galaxy Z Fold 5 have sold 4.86 million phones. This represents a 4% improvement over the 2022 Galaxy Z Flip 4 and Galaxy Z Fold 4 over the same period. More than 3.08 million Galaxy Z Flip 5 were sold, while sales of Galaxy Z fold 5 reached 1.79 million. In comparison, sales of the Galaxy Z Flip 4 and Galaxy Z Fold 4 were 2.87 million and 1.81 million units respectively last year after the same period.