Google Chat expands its message bubbles to iPhones

admin29 November 2023Last Update :
Google Chat expands its message bubbles to iPhones

Google Chat expands its message bubbles to iPhones،

Google Chat gets a visual upgrade with the introduction of message bubbles on iOS devices. This feature, which was previously only available on the web and Android, makes it easier to distinguish between incoming and outgoing messages, leading to a more streamlined and intuitive messaging experience.

With Message Bubbles now available on iOS, users will see each incoming message displayed in a standalone bubble aligned to one side of the chat window, with a solid color background. Outgoing messages, on the other hand, will appear in their own separate bubble on the opposite side, using a different colored background. This visual separation ensures clear and effortless differentiation between messages, improving the overall chat experience.

Message bubbles in Google Chat on iOS | Image Source – Google Workspace Blog

Message bubbles not only improve the aesthetic appeal of Google Chat, but also promote better understanding of messages and reduce confusion. By clearly distinguishing between incoming and outgoing messages, users can effortlessly follow conversations and quickly identify their own contributions. This feature is particularly beneficial for group chats, in which multiple participants are actively engaged.

Deployment of message bubbles to iOS devices will be automatic, requiring no action from administrators or end users. The update will start appearing for users today and will be rolled out gradually over the next few weeks (up to two weeks to be exact), ensuring a seamless transition for all Google Workspace customers and users with Google accounts personal.

Message bubbles in Google Chat are a way that Google is extending its app features to the iPhone that were previously only found on Android and web apps. For example, just today, Google also brought its revamped Google Drive scanning and title suggestion capabilities to iOS. This expansion to iOS devices further reinforces Google’s commitment to providing a user-friendly and intuitive messaging experience across all platforms.