Want to work for Apple? Tim Cook gives you some inside tips

admin26 November 2023Last Update :
Want to work for Apple? Tim Cook gives you some inside tips

Want to work for Apple? Tim Cook gives you some inside tips،

Have you ever dreamed of working for Apple and playing an important role in creating, designing, manufacturing or promoting the next big Apple product? During a podcast hosted by pop star Dua Lipa (via Business Insider), Apple CEO Tim Cook explained what it takes to get hired by Apple. The company, Cook noted, will hire people without college degrees and find jobs for those who don’t know coding. “We hire people from all backgrounds,” Cook said
Apple wants employees who add value. As Cook said: “I think one of the characteristics I look for in people is collaboration. “Can they really collaborate? Do they deeply believe that one plus one equals three?” Apple’s CEO explains further. “It’s an incredible feeling to work with people who bring out the best in you, and fundamentally, we believe all that one plus one equals three. Your idea and mine are better than individual ideas alone. »
Cook says Apple is looking for people who are curious, creative and work well in a team. The ideal candidate should also be willing to ask questions and not hesitate to ask them. They should be curious about how things work and how people think. Some might believe that there is no place for them within Apple if they have no idea about coding. But Cook made it clear that Apple hires people who don’t know how to code.
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Still, Cook believes everyone should learn to code “because I think it’s a form of expression and it’s a global language and the one global language that we all share is coding and I therefore recommends”.

If you are interested in working at Apple, visit www.apple.com/careers/us/ or click this link. And remember, when asked, it might be helpful to remember that one plus one equals three, unless you’re looking for a job in the accounting department.