For former Apple staff, the grass is greener on the Google side

admin24 November 2023Last Update :
For former Apple staff, the grass is greener on the Google side

For former Apple staff, the grass is greener on the Google side،

Where are Apple employees going after their break with the Cupertino giant? Well, it’s quite likely they’ll land at Google, according to one analysis (via 9to5Mac).

An analysis of LinkedIn profiles by Light up business says that while “a little good-natured rivalry is good for business,” it “really hurts” when a rival company drives out the other team’s best people.

In their own words, here’s what the analysts did. They analyzed LinkedIn employee profiles from Google (Alphabet), Amazon, Apple, Meta, Microsoft, IBM, Tesla, Oracle, Netflix, Nvidia, Salesforce, Adobe, Intel and Uber. The team then ran calculations on current employees at each tech giant who previously worked for other tech giants:

This analysis reveals that the most popular destination for former Apple employees is Google. Of course, there are also people making the switch in the opposite direction, although Apple employees probably come from Intel, Microsoft or Amazon.

Those leaving Apple are almost twice as likely to move to Google as the next largest destination (Amazon). Here are the top 10 favorite companies to turn to after leaving Apple:

  1. Google
  2. Amazon
  3. Meta
  4. Microsoft
  5. You’re here
  6. Nvidia
  7. Selling power
  8. Adobe
  9. Intel
  10. Oracle

Other key points to remember:

  • Some 26.51% of Meta’s employees have worked for another tech giant – the highest proportion of any tech giant’s workforce.
  • However, Google has attracted the most talent in terms of volume: 38,316 (24.15%) of its current staff came via other tech giants.
  • IBM is doing the least headhunting, with only 2.28% of the current workforce having previously worked for another tech giant.