The Galaxy Watch findings: UK’s top Sleep Animal is the Nervous Penguin, 25% of Brits dread bedtime

admin22 November 2023Last Update :
The Galaxy Watch findings: UK’s top Sleep Animal is the Nervous Penguin, 25% of Brits dread bedtime

The Galaxy Watch findings: UK’s top Sleep Animal is the Nervous Penguin, 25% of Brits dread bedtime،

The lion may be Britain’s official animal symbol, but that’s when the British are woke. When they sleep, they are nervous Penguins.

Okay, maybe it’s time to elaborate on this one and not lose any UK readers early on.

This is probably the largest study on sleep health ever undertaken: “Did we sleep well? by Samsung. The report analyzes 716 million nights of sleep behavior from Samsung Health users worldwide, tracking their sleep over two years between 2021 and 2023.

We’ve already discussed how, according to the data, sleep is getting worse everywhere and for everyone in the world. Samsung found that average sleep duration decreased globally, from 7 hours and 3 minutes to 6 hours and 59 minutes, which is just below the 7 hour threshold recommended by the National Sleep Foundation.

22% of Brits doze off at work

Now the report sheds further light on the UK and its subjects’ sleep habits. More than a fifth (about 22% of adults) say it’s not uncommon for them to accidentally sleep at work. That’s one in five! There are more statistics than that, showing that Brits doze off at the cinema (29%), the toilet (10%) and even nightclubs (12%) – the nation loves to sleep, there’s no doubt about it ! But maybe it’s not so much that they enjoy doing it – they need due to poor night sleep. If we define sleep efficiency as the time spent in bed relative to the actual amount of sleep, it turns out that in Europe, the UK is the country with the lowest sleep efficiency.

What’s going on with the Penguin and why is he nervous?

Thus, the study classifies different types of sleepers into eight “sleeping animals” based on sleep habits (for data to be collected, a sleep overview of at least 7 days is required, including 2 days off) . Sleeping animals each represent unique characteristics based on Galaxy Watch users’ measurement of duration, regularity, and time awake, all of which influence sleep quality.

For example, the nervous, light-sleeping penguin is the most common sleeping character in the UK. The Nervous Penguin represents those who maintain healthy sleep patterns but frequently experience interruptions during their sleep, in turn affecting sleep efficiency. These are light sleepers who can be easily shaken while sleeping and may have difficulty getting back to sleep.

What is the cause of this?

There are various reasons why the British are Europe’s anti-champions of sleep efficiency.

45% of Brits in the study say they go to bed too late, with the average bedtime for British adults being 11:54 p.m. Then, around 32% say working too hard prevents them from benefiting of well-deserved rest, followed by 25% of adults who believe that overeating is to blame.

25%, or one in four adults, now dread bedtime because they know they will have trouble falling asleep. From avoiding caffeine (43%) to taking sleeping pills (17%), Brits have tried everything to get a good night’s sleep.

What do the doctors say?

Samsung teamed up with Dr. Julie Smith to reveal how Samsung Sleep Animal characters on the Galaxy Watch 6 can be the key to getting a better night’s sleep:

Here’s a short list of Dr. Julie Smith’s best tips, including how to use Galaxy Watch 6 to achieve successful sleep:

  • The best way to change unhealthy sleep habits is to clearly define the things you do that contribute to that late bedtime, from the most important things to the smallest details. When I challenged myself to improve my own sleep habits, I tracked my sleep using the Samsung Galaxy Watch 6. It is able to categorize sleepers based on unique characteristics that affect the quality of sleep. your sleep, using your results to compare your sleep to a particular sleep. animal, which is a fun way to remind yourself of areas you need to work on.
  • Once you have an idea of ​​the habits that cause you to stay up late, target them one at a time. Start with something that seems easy to change and make it sustainable over time. This will build some momentum, so you’ll be less likely to give up and you’ll start feeling the benefits of improved sleep much sooner. Once this new habit is established, move on to others.
  • Continue tracking your new habits and sleep for longer than you think is necessary. It’s extremely easy to fall back into these old habits when your goals aren’t at the forefront of your mind. It also helps you stay motivated and on track each time to see that your new habits lead to better sleep.