Brilliant idea on One UI keeps Galaxy users from closing open apps by mistake

admin21 November 2023Last Update :
Brilliant idea on One UI keeps Galaxy users from closing open apps by mistake

Brilliant idea on One UI keeps Galaxy users from closing open apps by mistake،

Hello Android users, has this ever happened to you? You scroll through your open apps on the screen and when you get to the “Close all” button at the end, you press it without even thinking twice. But then you realize you accidentally closed an app you didn’t mean to close. Now there is a way to prevent this infuriating event from happening, so that even if you press “Close all”, some apps will remain open. This feature is available on the One UI interface used on many Samsung Galaxy phones.

Here’s how it works. Open the Recent Apps screen and tap the app icon above the app you want to keep open and from the list of options, select “Keep Open”. Once you press this button, a message will appear at the bottom of the screen saying “app remains open for quick launch”. A lock app will also appear in the bottom right corner of the app in Recent Apps.

By using this convenient feature, the app you have chosen to lock can be accessed quickly and easily and will not be closed even if you press the “Close all” button. You can unlock the app by tapping the lock icon that appears with the app on the multitasking screen. This is an awesome feature because every Android user has accidentally closed an app by pressing the “Close All” button.

If you’ve ever wondered why iOS doesn’t have a “Close All” button to clear open apps, here’s an interesting article from the Apple Community Support page that goes against the grain of phone users obsessives who always want to close their recently used apps. . The message states that closing apps does not improve performance or battery life. It also notes that recent apps don’t run in the background. They are suspended

Closing recent apps will not improve battery life and the message on Apple’s support page states that “it actually makes battery life worse because it takes more power to load an app than to restart it from the “multitasking” screen. Closing recent apps and dragging them off the screen also makes your iPhone slower, because it takes longer to reopen an app from of storage than to restart it from a suspended state.
Apple suggests that unless an app is “misbehaving” and not working properly, or if it is consuming too much battery power, there is no reason to close it. And this is also true for Android phones. So even if you have an obsession that requires you to immediately close all your open apps, it’s not as necessary as you might think.