You will soon get an easy-to-access “unsubscribe” button in Gmail for Android

admin21 November 2023Last Update :
You will soon get an easy-to-access "unsubscribe" button in Gmail for Android

You will soon get an easy-to-access “unsubscribe” button in Gmail for Android،

Google is testing a feature on the latest version of the Android Gmail app that has been available on the web for some time now: the ability to easily unsubscribe from mass promotional email senders via a quick button. Once online, this will allow you to easily remove yourself from these lists without having to search for the “unsubscribe” link that is usually placed at the bottom of these emails.

The unsubscribe button has been part of the Gmail web experience for some time, appearing on top of emails and making it easier for users to find and unsubscribe from unwanted emails. Sometimes this button will take you directly to the sender’s website where you can then unsubscribe, but often it works automatically and provides confirmation.

However, this has not been the case on the Gmail mobile app, where the spam blocking and reporting options are currently available but hidden in the 3-dot menu. The lack of this easy-to-access button requires Android mobile app users to scroll through the email itself to find the unsubscribe link to click. This, of course, requires a little more time and effort on the part of the user, as these links are usually poorly placed in a very small font.

The new button was spotted by AssembleDebug from TheSpAndroid in version 2023.11.12 of the Gmail app, which is currently not available to all users. Additionally, even on this newer version of Gmail, a hidden flag had to be enabled for the feature to work. This usually means that the feature film is not yet ready for prime time.
The introduction of this feature to the Gmail Android app – whenever it is widely rolled out – is likely a product of Google’s work to force mass email senders to give you a simple solution. Under new guidelines set by Google earlier this year, commercial emails will need to have a one-click unsubscribe button clearly visible in the message, and the unsubscribe process will need to be completed within two days.

Based on this, it seems that Google is going a step further by implementing its own solution to make the opt-out option a little clearer for users. I can see this being a huge time saver for those who like to sort through their email stream before starting their work day and would appreciate having a quick and easy way to unsubscribe from those pesky mailing lists.