Epic OnePlus 12 vs Galaxy S24 Ultra display fight awaits: eye protection, rain touch, brightness

admin20 November 2023Last Update :
Epic OnePlus 12 vs Galaxy S24 Ultra display fight awaits: eye protection, rain touch, brightness

Epic OnePlus 12 vs Galaxy S24 Ultra display fight awaits: eye protection, rain touch, brightness،

The good people at OnePlus are once again preparing to impress with the display quality. According to its CEOThe OnePlus 12 panel will set “industry benchmarks” and is rumored to even break decade-old records in DisplayMate’s mobile display testing lab.

OnePlus 12 screen specifications

Called Oriental Display, or at least that’s the translation, the OnePlus panel is expected to set new standards”in terms of softness, eye protection, display, brightness, rain touch, etc.,“, leaving us wondering what exactly “rain touch” is.

If it’s the ability to register fingers when wet, that would be svelte, as anyone who’s tried to unlock their phone with a fingerprint in the rain would attest. According to the CEO of OnePlus, their next panel has “reaches the best screen standards in the world and deserves everyone’s anticipation!

We are inclined to believe them, because the umbrella company BBK, under which the three companies that together sell most of the world’s phones – Oppo, Vivo and OnePlus – has already repeatedly developed record-breaking phone screens.
Starting with the panel of the Oppo Find from Oppo’s current flagship Find X6 Pro, they always had to offer something special to surpass the competition, even Samsung.
So the OnePlus 12’s screen could even beat the Galaxy S24 Ultra’s panel that Samsung reportedly showcased with a mind-blowing brightness factor. However, “eEspecially when it comes to eye protection, Oriental Screen has surpassed all conventional industry practices and blazed a trail that has never been taken before by the industry, ushering in a new era of eye protection. eyes for cell phones.“, the CEO says poetically, indicating what will be the main added value and selling point of the new set of OnePlus 12 displays.
Somewhat surprisingly, OnePlus informs that this time around the LTPO panel is supplied by another OLED display juggernaut – BOE – rather than its usual partner Samsung. Enemies for life, or just Samsung keeping its best OLED bits to itself Galaxy S24 Ultra? This remains to be determined once the OnePlus 12 is announced on December 4, then the Galaxy S24 Ultra on January 17.